сряда, 31 октомври 2012 г.

сряда, 10 октомври 2012 г.

Dipper photography in Bulgaria

An afternoon walk to my local patch produced this single image of a Dipper. Interestingly enough, the bird flew towards something like a nest underneath a bridge. Strange time for them to be visiting such places. Mind you, they do stay around bridges. 

Dipper photography in Bulgaria by Iordan Hristov

понеделник, 8 октомври 2012 г.

Photography workshop in Bulgaria

An evening walk in the near park was rather productive. A young Dipper was sitting perched and stayed for some 10 minutes foraging the near river.

Dipper photography in Bulgaria

While photographing the dipper, a second bird arrived. Then two Magpies and a Red Squirrel came down to the river to drink water.

Magpie photography in Bulgaria
Magpie photography in Bulgaria

неделя, 7 октомври 2012 г.

Successful photography workshop in Bulgaria

A couple of hours spent in our tower hide in North East Bulgaria turned out to be very productive. For more info about the workshop see my post in the blog of our photography cottage here.

Some of the images from the workshop are here:

Syrian Woodpecker

Great spotted Woodpecker 

Middle spotted Woodpecker 

Middle spotted Woodpecker photography in Bulgaria

Song Thrush

Song Thrush photography in Bulgaria


Blackbird photography in Bulgaria
Blackbird photography in Bulgaria


Chaffinch photography in Bulgaria

If you want to book your photography trip with and use the tower hide please feel free to drop us a line at info [@] naturetravel [.] eu